AFC Leopards was to hold this year’s Annual General Meeting on Sunday 30th June 2024 (today) at Kasarani Auditorium Indoor Arena, at 09.00 am but due to a quorum hitch (The AGM did not meet ⅓ of the AFC Leopards SC registered members in attendance ), AFC Leopards SC 2024 Annual General Meeting was adjourned.

As per the latest AFC Leopards Sports Club register of members for the year 2024 as prepared and published by the National Executive Committee on June 28, 2024, the club had a total of 5688 registered members and a total of 1896 were needed to attend the meting either virtually or physically to meet the quorum for the meeting to kick off.

On the agendas list, these were the main issues to be discussed in the meeting:
- To read the notice convening the meeting, and to confirm the presence of a quorum.
- To confirm minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
- To receive the chairman’s report.
- To receive, consider and adopt the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 and the Auditor’s report thereon.
- To appoint the Independent Auditors of the Club for the year ending 31 December 2024
- To transact any other business of an Annual General Meeting of which due notice has been received.
Present during the meeting was the Sports Registrar Ms. Rose Wasike who advised the club to follow the constitution diligently during such important decision-making meetings for the club. The club’s National Executive Committee who were all present at the Kasarani Auditorium Indoor Arena will give the way forward in due course.

As per the club constitution, the club will give a 21-day notice for a Special General Meeting .